
I am living proof that education reform has not failed in Newark

My name is Wydeyah Hay and I am a TEAM Academy (KIPP New Jersey) founding class member, part of the first class when TEAM opened in 2002. This fall, I returned to the classroom as a Relay Resident at KIPP's Seek Academy. Through this program I'll be on my way to earning a master's degree by apprenticing in a well-run classroom. It was because of the values that KIPP helped instill in me that I was inspired to become a teacher and support my community.

Help Oklahoma City create a great public school system

The Oklahoma City community, our business and civic leaders agree. If we want to put Oklahoma City on the map-to make it a great city, a destination for families, an employment center-we must have great public education in an attractive environment.

Power to KIPP grads

On Thursday night, KIPP Academy Lynn Collegiate's (KALC) Class of 2016 was commenced at Lynn City Hall. Salutatorian Enorenegbe Idahor reminisced about her school years and how important the experience will be in the future. "As we leave KIPP, we are going to enter a new journey in our lives," she said. "But it is important to take what we learned here with us."

Creating high school traditions at KIPP Renaissance: the vote for homecoming court

"We are the first graduating class of seniors," said homecoming court candidate Bethaney Charles, 17. "So this is the first year of everything." The first homecoming game and dance. The first senior ring ceremony. The first senior gift to the school. The first senior picnic and trip. And not at all least, the first senior college applications.

Bipartisan work helps schools improve

Over the past four years, we have made great strides, and in Tennessee this has been a largely bipartisan effort. The federal Race to the Top competition awarded funds to states such as Tennessee that encouraged high standards for evaluating teachers, opened doors for charter schools and paved the way for more rigorous standards.

Halting charter growth isn’t the answer

The debate over charter schools may be ready to explode again in Newark. The mayor's chief education advisor has called for a halt to all charter growth, the union is demonstrating next week, and credible rumors are spreading that KIPP - one of the top performing charter chains - is about to anchor a new expansion.

KIPP Austin school helping students, teachers achieve goals

The Executive Director of the local charter school KIPP Austin, Steven Epstein, joined us in the KXAN studio to give you a preview of what to expect this school year. KIPP Austin works to help students from educationally underserved communities go to and through college.