KIPP Forward

KIPP Forward supports students to choose and prepare for the educational and career path that fits their goals and sense of purpose. Once on their way, KIPP Forward teams help alumni keep moving forward while pursuing their dreams.

The KIPP Forward Approach

In collaboration with the nearly 400 KIPP Forward counselors across the country, we provide KIPP high school students with:

  • Quality curriculum and college selection support in high school
  • Guidance during the transition from high school to college
  • Access to partners that support students on their college and career journey

KIPP High School Counseling and College Match

KIPP Forward counselors support students through career exploration and the College Match process— the specific steps needed to effectively apply for and enroll in college or additional postsecondary education.

College Knowledge and Career Success

Our curriculum for 9th-12th grade fosters critical thinking and career exploration, while cultivating students’ personal agency in navigating the postsecondary entry process.

College Match

This program guides students through the process of selecting colleges to apply to—considering academic, financial, and personal factors that would make a school a good fit.

Preventing Summer Melt

The Challenge

Summer melt is an all-too-common scenario where high school graduates apply and get accepted to college, but never enroll. It can happen when graduates don’t receive enough financial aid, miss administrative deadlines, or don’t have support from family and friends.

Our Approach

We focus on Strong Transition during the summer months, an initiative where KIPP Forward counselors ensure that students and families have the knowledge, skills, perspectives, and resources to avoid summer melt and make it across the finish line to enrollment.

This section of the page contains a carousel that visually displays 1 testimonial slide at a time. For screen reader users, these slides appear in a list below. The next and previous buttons only affect how these slides are shown visually, but do not affect what screen readers read, since all the slides are always shown to these users.

  • The power of the Lycoming College partnership with KIPP lies in our shared commitment to this mission: We change lives. Kent Trachte, President, Lycoming College

    The power of the Lycoming College partnership with KIPP lies in our shared commitment to this mission: We change lives.

    Kent Trachte, President, Lycoming College
  • When we talk about the cost of college, people only think of tuition. The problem is that it’s much larger than just tuition. De'Ja Wood, Duke University ’21, KIPP St. Louis Public Schools Alumna

    When we talk about the cost of college, people only think of tuition. The problem is that it’s much larger than just tuition.

    De'Ja Wood, Duke University ’21, KIPP St. Louis Public Schools Alumna
  • KIPP schools have established a record of educating high potential students, ready for the academically challenging environment Spelman provides. Dr. Beverly Daniel Tatum, President of Spelman College

    KIPP schools have established a record of educating high potential students, ready for the academically challenging environment Spelman provides.

    Dr. Beverly Daniel Tatum, President of Spelman College

Partnering For Success

We collaborate with a range of quality partners who are committed to supporting the academic, socioemotional, financial, and career needs of KIPP alumni. Meet some of our partners below.