How To Create an Assistant Principal Development Plan Guide
A guide to ensure a strong Assistant Principal development plan. While formatted with Assistant Principals in mind, any leader can use this template to guide his/her own development plan.
School Leader Guide to Assistant Principal Development
This observation rubric can be used by School Leader Managers to provide feedback on a School Leader’s development of their Assistant Principals. School Leaders and Assistant Principals can also use this document to understand expectations and critical moves to develop Assistant Principals.
Assistant Principal Development Plan Template
A template to align leadership development of one's Assistant Principals. While formatted with Assistant Principals in mind, any leader can use this template to create his/her own development plan.
KIPP Alumni on Mental Health in College (Video)
KIPP alumni speak to the importance of maintaining mental health in college and the supports they've used to persist to and through college.
KIPP Alumni on Sense of Belonging in College (Video)
KIPP alumni discuss the importance of sense of belonging on college campuses, as well as lessons learned while navigating college.
KIPP Alumni on Having Mentors in College (Video)
KIPP alumni discuss the benefits of establishing relationships with professors and advisors and the value of having a reliable mentor on campus.
KIPP Alumni on Academic Resources in College (Video)
KIPP alumni reflect on asking for help while in college and utilizing campus resources to persist towards earning their degrees.
KIPP Alumni on Passion and Purpose in College (Video)
KIPP alumni on finding what they're passionate about while persisting to and through college.
Eureka Math Content Companion: 8th Grade, Module 3
Use these notes as you lesson plan to more quickly understand the modules’ big ideas and how to address common misconceptions.
“We Persisted”: KIPP Alumni Persisting To and Through (Video)
Five KIPP alumni from around the country share ups, downs, and lessons learned as they navigate college and persist towards earning their degrees.