
Rubric for High-Impact Ratio Techniques

This rubric can help leaders and teachers evaluate and understand what it looks like to plan and execute lessons that use ratio techniques to put the heavy lifting on students.

Reading Without Limits

This is the first book offered in the KIPP Educator Series and is written for anyone who wants to dramatically improve reading achievement. It is authored by Maddie Witter, a founding teacher at one of the top-performing middle schools in New York City, KIPP Infinity Charter School.

Reading Without Limits: Companion Website

Want to dramatically improve reading achievement in your classroom? Explore podcasts, videos, sample lesson plans, grant templates, and other strategies to quickly implement learnings from Maddie Witter’s book, Reading Without Limits.

Great Habits, Great Readers

This book includes the strategies, systems, and lessons from the top classrooms that bring the habits of reading to life, creating countless quality opportunities for students to take one of the most complex skills we as people can know and to perform it fluently and easily.

Why Don’t Students Like School?

This book, by cognitive scientist Dan Willingham, is designed to help teachers improve their practice by exploring how they and their students think and learn.

Leverage Leadership

Paul Bambrick-Santoyo, Managing Director of Uncommon Schools, shows leaders how they can raise their schools to greatness by following a core set of principles.

Visible Learning

This book synthesizes over 800 meta-analyses on the influences on achievement in school-aged students to build a story about the power of teachers, feedback, and a model of learning and understanding.