
Kyle Kenan

There have been so many great moments at KIPP.

Michael Horne

My mom and I used to walk 2.4 miles every Saturday to get to and from our library.

Murtada Mahmood

I lived in countries of war...but these things, these things in my past, they are not a barrier for me—they are me.

Charles King

As teachers, we have the unique opportunity to help our kids understand that they are in charge of their identity.

Tafshier Cosby

Parent voices are so important. We are our children’s first teachers.

Joseph Whitfield

Now it’s my turn to help people younger than me. Helena, Arkansas is home. And home is a place worth investing in.

Alexis Ivey

Instead of entering juveniles into the criminal justice system, I’m trying to keep them out.

Deborah Riley

I just wanted to be a part of what my son was a part of. And I stayed because it felt like family.

Cynthia Ledesma

The teacher – I don’t know if I can say this without crying! – she just gets my daughter.