
Metztli Garcia

KIPP SoCal alum Metztli Garcia talks about her college experience at UCLA and what’s to come as she moves on to the next chapter of her life.

Deja Scott

I view my college decision as one of the best that I have made, and it is important to acknowledge the impact KIPP had on ensuring I made it to the point in my academic career that I am at now.

Quadir Hunter

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Quadir’s senior year didn't turn out the way he expected. But he was able to turn things around with the help of his College Success Counselor.

Tawheedah Abdullah

In my classroom, I feel best when I’m learning with and from my students. Across our school community, we have the best chance at success when we illuminate the thoughts and perspectives of our students.

Paola Valdivia

Among the many things I appreciate about KIPP, I love that this organization is not only a place for young people to grow into great leaders, but also a place where staff like me can live out our passion every day at work.

KAOBOT1 Robotics Team

Watch what happened when this all-girl robotics team from KIPP SoCal Public Schools took on their first competition.

Shakoor Woodson

My students are my driving force in this work, and I hope for them, I’m a daily reminder of what it looks like to use your voice and create change any way you know how.

Bertha Garcia

"Creo que como padres, nuestro primer deseo es que nuestros hijos sean personas exitosas. que sean mejores que nosotros, que hagan las cosas mejor que nosotros.”

Michael McGee

Of course we have high expectations for our students, but we also have high expectations for our adults.