
True Grit: Teaching character skills in the classroom

A growing 'grit' movement is taking hold in schools. Teachers at some schools, including Kipp schools, are emphasizing the importance of character skills like persistence and resilience as being crucial parts of a child's education. Rock Center Anchor and Managing Editor Brian Williams reports.

Arne Duncan: What impresses me most about the first 25 years of public charter schools

As CEO of the Chicago Public Schools, and later as the U.S. Secretary of Education, I had the good fortune to visit dozens of gap-closing charter schools. I always came away from those visits - as I do when I visit any great public school - with both a sense of hope and a profound feeling of respect and gratitude for the school's educators and school leaders.

President Obama’s plan to put minority men on the road to success

After five years in office, the plight of black and Latino men and boys has the president's attention. His new initiative hopes to build on the successes of programs like KIPP High School in the Bronx. This year, 100 percent of its seniors have applied to college.

10 things we’re talking about

KIPP Delta students were featured in Essence magazine's "10 Things We're Talking About" article, thanks to their involvement with the Clinton Foundation initiative called No Ceilings: The Full Participation Project.

Character lesssons

[TRANSCRIPT]: Children from poor families are less likely to go to university. And they're more likely to drop out when they get there. That's the achievement gap, and it's something that educators have long wrestled with. What else can you teach children at school that will help them get on in life?

Biggest study ever says KIPP gains substantial

KIPP, previously known as the Knowledge Is Power Program, has had more success than any other large educational organization in raising the achievement of low-income students, both nationally and in the District. But many good educators, burned by similarly hopeful stories in the past, have wondered whether KIPP were for real.

Healthy Living, Happy Kids

[Shareki Chaney, Rales Center, KIPP Baltimore]: ..."There are many ways we are making it happen at KIPP. We're engaging the parents at their level-whatever they may need, whenever they may need it. We're making them feel comfortable now that the health center is there."