KIPP Applauds Re-Introduction of The Dream and Promise Act
March 12, 2019 – KIPP CEO Richard Barth issued the following statement in support of today’s re-introduction of The Dream and Promise Act by Representatives Roybal-Allard (D-CA), Velazquez (D-NY), and Clarke (D-NY).
“Since our founding, we have made a promise to every child who enrolls in our schools to help them reach their highest potential regardless of their immigration status. This is consistent with the values of a nation that has always supported the idea that if you work hard and make a contribution, you can succeed.
There is no greater example of hardworking and upstanding individuals than Dreamers. Dreamers represent some of the best and brightest in our country. They are students, workers, and are serving in the military, earning their way, providing for their families, contributing to our communities, and keeping our country safe.
For decades, Washington – under both Democrats and Republicans – has failed to come together and pass meaningful immigration reform that recognizes the contributions of immigrants, strengthens our economy, and addresses the status of those here without documentation – including the Dreamers. The time is now to enact a narrow, bipartisan solution to protect Dreamers and we applaud Representatives Roybal-Allard, Velazquez, and Clarke for their leadership.”
For more information or to schedule interviews with a KIPP representative, contact Julia Schechter at or 917-282-275.