Fernanda Morales Soto
![2024WebbScholars_Fernanda Morales Soto – KIPP San Jose](https://www.kipp.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/2024WebbScholars_Fernanda-Morales-Soto-KIPP-San-Jose-690x600.png)
KIPP San Jose Collegiate
Like the lyrics of Grupo Clasificado’s song, Pensando, Fernanda Morales Soto often wonders “¿Cómo le hago pa cumplir yo lo soñado?” Graduating from KIPP San Jose Collegiate in July 2024, she’s determined to attain a Political Science degree and build a progressive career in politics. She strives to enhance her community and those with similar challenges. On campus, she’s Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica’s president—where she’s hosted SHH’s annual Pachanga with over 100 attendees and has created a new partnership with J4MW: The Bandana Project— meshing art with advocacy to amplify the voices of sexually harassed farm workers. She’s also a leader in KSJC’s Democratic club and has successfully collaborated with San Jose’s mayor to create an ordinance to uphold student safety. Off campus, she works in Pioneer Academics Alumni Leadership Team—helping to mentor youth through their rigorous research program and a developing musician she is currently learning ‘No Le Aflojo’ on her guitar.