KIPP Foundation Statement On Derek Chauvin Verdict

Recognizing that a just world is one in which George Floyd’s life was never taken, the conviction of former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin is a crucial step towards change, accountability, and justice. While we applaud this ruling, we know the impact this murder has had on KIPP’s Black educators, students, and families, especially for our team in Minnesota.  We know that change begins to be possible when we hold people accountable for their crimes. And still, there remains much work to be done as there is still no justice for countless victims who have suffered at the hands of police and systematic white supremacy. We stand in solidarity with George Floyd’s family, victims of police brutality, the Black community as a whole, and all the people who had to relive the trauma of this heinous murder.

Today is a day for healing and justice. KIPP will continue to strive for liberation and a world where Black children can wake up daily with no doubt that their lives matter. We will continue to build a community where Knowledge Is Power.

Richard Barth – CEO, KIPP Foundation