For My Daughter’s Education, I’m Going to Move Mountains
By Tia Llopiz
My daughter knows I am going to move mountains. Whatever the situation is, if it’s one thing my daughter knows, Mommy’s going to show up. This is why I decided to attend Charter Family Hill Day this year alongside 40 other public charter parents from nine states and the District of Columbia. I wanted to tell Congress members how KIPP Octavius Catto Elementary in Philadelphia has been such a blessing for my daughter and my family.
I am not just advocating for one public charter school. When it comes down to it, it’s not just about my child, it’s about all kids. Everyone may not have the ability or the privilege to be able to come to D.C. and to advocate. Everyone doesn’t have that, but I do. I naturally have the desire to help and to fix and to be a part of the change that I want to see. I walked into these legislators’ offices hoping that they would hear me say our communities are crying for help. We need more quality schools, and we need to stop gun violence and address the mental health crisis in our schools.